Business articles
These are articles about block chain business written by Shimo, Representative Director. The main theme is block chain technology and distributed ledger related business.
For articles on block chain technology, please refer to “Qiita” “Hatena Blog”.
Application of financial business of block chain technology https://www.consensus-base.com/blog/blockchain-financial-business/
Blockchain business for financial institutions
Shimo, our represent, at the “2nd Financial Block Chain Study Group” held at 8 am on October 1 in 2015, made a presentation titled “Block Chain Business for Financial Institutions.”
Problems in business use of public block chains https://www.consensus-base.com/blog/bitcoin-business-problems/
We will explain the problems when trying to use public block chain business.
So far, we have been offering consulting and proposals on business using blockchain technology. While working on that, it turned out that some common problems will arise when trying to make a real business by using bitcoin and its technology.
Introduction of official SNS

This is a technology blog by our CEO Hiroshi Shimo. Articles at Qiita are on technology as well as block chains, and are read by many people.

Click here for the Qiita page of Consensus Base Inc..
HatenaBlog,ブロックチェーン,ビットコイン,技術ブログ Hatena Blog

This is a blog about encryption currency and block chain technology such as bitcoin by our CEO Hiroshi Shimo. He also posts opinions on current news reports.


This is the official Facebook account of Consensus Base Inc.. We are communicating company activities.


This is an official Twitter account to tell the company’s efforts. It is updated at the same time with Facebook which has events and recruitment information. Please have a look.

Block chain Community support
Cryptocurrency Tech Japan

Consensus Base supports Cryptocurrency Tech Japan. The group treats not only the possibility of cryptographic currency but also encryption currency fundamental technology (block chain and Proof of Work), non-centralized, smart contract, which are the basis of next-generation Internet technology. We hold technology study sessions irregularly.

Cryptocurrency Tech Japan Facebook page

This is the public Facebook page of Cryptocurrency Tech Japan. Here we actively have the discussion and announce the next study meeting. If you are interested in the technology that will bring about the next generation Internet revolution, please join us.

For inquiries about our services, please contact us.

Consensus Base is the first company in Japan specializing in blockchain technology and provides advice, consulting, development and education as a company with specialized knowledge and technology.

If you want to know the contents of our business, please refer to the service page.

If you want to know our results, please see the achievements page.

*Please contact us from the help at this form.